We appreciate donations of goods and services throughout the year to help us meet organizational needs and improve programming and services for our youth. Please contact us if you would like to make an in-kind donation. Donated items must be in gently used, clean and safe working condition.
Donation Drop Off Hours:
Mondays - Fridays
Club Office: 8:30am to 5:30pm
Club Control Center: 3:00pm to 6:30pm
Current in-kind wish list of new items:
Educational Programming:
- Copy paper
- Drawing Paper
- Art supplies (paint, paint brushes, construction paper, markers, glue sticks, tape, pipe cleaners, art aprons, plastic tablecloths, coloring books, etc.)
- Art easels
- Educational programming supplies (globes, wall maps)
- School supplies (scissors, crayons, pens, colored pencils, calculators, backpacks, poster board, etc.)
- Age appropriate books for children and teens
- Age appropriate board games
- Music equipment
- Incentives for “Be Great” boxes (gift cards, small prizes)
- Screen Disinfectant Wipes
- Mouse Pads
- Headphones
- Digital cameras and memory cards
- Batteries (AA or AAA)
- Wii, Xbox, PS3 gaming equipment (good condition or new)
Sports and Recreation:
- First aid equipment
- Band-Aids
- Sports Tape
- Ice Packs
- Kleenex
- Sports & recreation equipment (footballs, ball pumps, water bottles, hula hoops, jump ropes, etc.)
- Games Room Equipment (pool sticks/balls/chalk, ping pong balls, board games, etc.)
- Play equipment for young children (legos, stem blocks, sensory toys)
Meal Program:
- Kitchen equipment (cups, bowls, plates, serving utensils, baking and cooking equipment, measuring cups, hot pads, towels, wash clothes, blender, etc.)
- Candy
- Bulk Snacks
- Bulk Juices/Gatorade
- Fresh Fruit/Produce
Office Equipment:
- Staplers
- File folders
- Pens
- Pencils
- Binders
- Binder Clips
- Pencil sharpeners
- 3-hole punch
- Dry erase markers
- Dry erasers
- Clorox Wipes
- Hand Sanitizer
- Lysol Spray
- Post-It Notes
- Notebooks
- Tape
- Scissors
- Kleenex
Contact Megan Reshetar, Program Director, at 605-225-8714 ext. 106
Email: mreshetar.bgca@midconetwork.com