Mentor Program Info:
Meets on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays - please pick 1 day that works best for your child!
- Mondays 4:30-5:30pm - Grades K-2 only!
- SMART Moves Lessons & Curriculum
- Tuesdays 4:30-5:30pm - Grades 3-5 only!
- SMART Moves Lessons & Curriculum
- Wednesdays 4:30-5:30pm - Grades K-5
- Positive Action Lessons & Curriculum
Mentor Program Information:
- Open to members in grades K-5
- Program meets once a week at the Club
- Small group mentoring sessions (2 to 3 Club staff with 20 to 25 Club members)
- Members will participate in 2 skill building programs: SMART Moves Anti-Bullying and Positive Action lessons.
- Together, members & their mentors will play games, engineer STEM activities, make arts & crafts and a variety of other hands-on activities in small group sessions.
- Program does not meet on non-school days.
- Program runs January 13 - May 30
Mondays & Tuesdays: SMART Moves Program
- Members will participate in the SMART Moves curriculum (Grades K-2 on Mondays and Grades 3-5 on Tuesdays).
- SMART Moves is a suite of targeted programs and other resources designed to help young people develop healthy decision-making attitudes and skills. Members will focus on emotional wellness, developing healthy relationships & attitudes and bullying prevention lessons and curriculum.
- Program dates/times are designed for the age-appropriate and developmentally appropriately lessons and curriculum.
Wednesdays: Positive Action Program
- Positive Action is based on the intuitive philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions.
- An on-going story follows students involved in bullying behaviors—either as the bully, victim, or bystander—and how they learn to use positive actions in place of negative ones.
- Program dates/times are designed for the age-appropriate and developmentally appropriately lessons and curriculum.
Please give Megan a call!
Phone: 605-225-8714 ext. 106